Special Moments Brighten Our Lives

Although I try not to deny the trials that accompany living with Alzheimer’s, Kate and I are quick to acknowledge how fortunate we have been thus far. Her diagnosis came at a time when I was able to retire, neither of us has had any other significant health issues, we have traveled, and we have remained socially active. In addition, there are always unanticipated things that happen to brighten our lives. I’m thinking of one of those right now.

For many years, Kate’s brother, Ken, has put together hardbound albums of family photos. These include ones that focus on particular trips or events as well as an annual volume that summarizes the entire year. Recently, he told me he was making an album of photos for Kate celebrating the many special people and moments of their lives. It is a full 140 pages of memories. It begins with their births and goes up to the present. He intends to surprise Kate with her own copy when it is ready in the next few weeks.

A few days ago, he asked me to look over the album and make any edits or suggestions that might be appropriate. I was overwhelmed and touched by what he has done. Kate has always valued her family and often speaks of what it has meant to her. As her memories fade, this will be a treasure for her, especially as it is such a personal gift from her brother. I will no doubt say more after she receives it, but I have a warm feeling of gratitude that Ken is doing this for his big sister. Living with Alzheimer’s doesn’t mean an absence of special moments like this.