Kate was late getting up today. It was a few minutes before noon when she appeared and said she was ready to go. She was dressed appropriately for the day except that she was wearing a bathrobe over her clothes. She was carrying two night gowns over one of her arms. As we walked toward the garage, I told her we were expecting it to be hot and that she might not need her robe. She accepted that without a challenge. I wasn’t going to say anything about the two gowns. Then she started to put one of them on over her clothes. When she did that, I said, “I don’t think you’ll need the night gowns either.” She put both of them down on the island in the kitchen and off we went to lunch.
After we ordered, she seemed tired and confused. She asked me to tell her my name. Then she asked me her name. That was followed by asking if we have children. I told her about them and their families. I pulled out my phone and showed her several pictures taken with them in the past few months. As we went from one picture to another, she kept asking me who the people were. Some of that is related to the size of the photos on the phone coupled with her eyesight. Her vision in one eye is 20/60. She also has cataracts that are affecting her sight as well. I’ve been in conversations with the ophthalmologist about surgery. We had decided to wait until her next appointment in January. I am beginning to rethink that decision.
On the way home, she said asked if she could take a nap. I told her that would be fine. She didn’t waste any time getting into bed. It is now 4:15, and she is still in bed. I woke her 25 minutes ago, but she hasn’t moved. Tonight is jazz night at Casa Bella. We’ll be leaving for that at 5:30. She always enjoys the musical nights. I hope this perks her up, but then I wonder about getting to sleep tonight.