A Shaky Start

I had just finished my morning walk around the house just after 8:00 this morning when I checked the video cam in our bedroom. I saw that Kate was standing by her side of the bed. I soon realized that she had gotten up and gone to the bathroom. I went to the room and asked if she needed anything. She asked if she could go back to bed. I told her it was still early and that would be just fine. She said, “Oh, good.”

Once she was back in bed, I could see that she was “uneasy.” It didn’t look like she would go right back to sleep. She asked me if she had to go anyplace. When I told her we didn’t have anything on our agenda today, she breathed an audible sigh of relief. Then she said, “Are you my daddy?” She paused a second and then added, “Or something else.” I said I was her husband. She had a puzzled look on her face. Then she asked, “What’s your name?” She asked me to repeat it again. She said, “I’m going to try to memorize that.” <pause> “Who am I?” I said, “You are Katherine Creighton.” I mentioned her parents, and she asked, “Have I ever met them?” I said, “Yes, they took care of you when you were a little girl and loved you very much.”

She told me she wanted to go back to sleep and asked if I would wake her up. I told her I would but that she could still sleep a while before getting up. I told her I would be in the kitchen if she need anything. Then she closed her eyes. She still seemed a bit uneasy. I asked if she would feel better if I stayed in the room with her. She liked that. I went to get my laptop.

When I returned, she said, “I’m scared.” I sat down on the bed beside her and asked what she was afraid of. First she said, I don’t know.” Then she said, “Do you think they will like me?” I said, “Who do you mean?” She couldn’t tell me, and I said, “You don’t have to worry. Everybody likes Kate. I rubbed her back and she began to relax. She said it felt good. In a few minutes, I got up and went to the chair on my side of the bed where I am writing this post. She is sleeping soundly.