Pulling Leaves

Last week Kate had several (four, I believe) bad days. She was frustrated with working puzzles on her iPad, and the weather was preventing much work pulling leaves. During the past couple of days, she has been able get outside. Monday was one of those. When I called her in to get ready for us to go to dinner, she seemed in a better mood than last week.

Yesterday we had light rain off and on (mostly on) all day. I was concerned about her not being able to work outside. Things worked out better than I expected, and I sensed again the therapeutic value of being outside. I think the key is having something that she is able to do and that she believes is worthwhile.

After returning from lunch, she remained outside. I called her in a little over four hours later. Her hair was wet as was the top she was wearing. Her shoes, not her yard shoes, were soaked. It didn’t bother her at all. In fact, she would have remained outside longer if I hadn’t called her to come in. Although I was happy that she was finding satisfaction outside, I couldn’t help feeling sorry for her.