Best Day in Weeks

It is 9:44 pm, and I am in bed writing these notes so that I can put them in my journal. Before going to sleep, I have to report that today has been the best day in quite some time, perhaps weeks. We had only one bad moment when I came home from the Y, and Kate thought I had come in to rush her to get ready to go someplace. Actually, I was just saying hello and was going to check to see if she wanted to go get her morning muffin at Panera. She was working on organizing her clothes. I decided to leave well enough alone and went to the kitchen to check email. A little later we did go to Panera. While we were sitting there she told me the story I had already entered in this journal this afternoon. She said she was feeling good and that she had decided I was right about her dreaming about the incident that was causing her to be so blue (not her words). She said she couldn’t even remember what it was that had upset her. The balance of the day and evening she has seemed like her old self. I commented on how good she seemed to feel. She agreed that she did feel good. Now I FEEL GOOD as well.