More Signs of Change

Following yesterday’s eclipse, Kate and I went to Barnes & Noble. This was unusual in that she worked steadily on her iPad for more than 2 hours before leaving for dinner. Just before 6:00, I asked if she would like to go to dinner. She said, “In a few minutes.” I waited another 15 minutes. She still wasn’t ready. Finally, at nearly 6:30, I told her I thought it was time for us to go. That is very unusual. It is rare that she wants to stay in one place that long.

We went to a nearby restaurant for dinner. As we got out of the car, Kate said she wanted to find the restroom. We met the hostess at the front who told us the table at which she would seat us. Then I walked Kate to the restroom since it was not easily spotted from the entrance or where we were to be seated. When I showed her the door to the restroom, I started to turn around. I was going to wait at out table and keep my eyes out for her when she exited. She very quickly asked me to stay right there. That is the first time she has ever done that. That is another indication of her own realization that she can have a hard time finding me.

When we got home, she wanted to pull leaves. As she has been doing lately, she asked if she could. Then she asked where she could work. Later I called her to come inside as it was getting dark. After she was inside, she asked, “Are we going to stay here tonight?” When I said yes, she said, “That’s what I thought.” It’s been a while since she has done this, but it has occurred periodically over the past couple of years.

In a few minutes, she called to me. She was in the middle bathroom. She showed me the clippers in her hand and then put them under the towels in the closet by the sink and asked if that were all right. I hesitated. Then I told her I might forget where they are and to give them to me so that I could put them in the laundry room or in the garage where we usually kept them. She accepted my suggestion and gave them to me. She has been especially cooperative today.