More Confusion This Morning

For the second day in a row, Kate has not known my name or that I am her husband. I checked on her around 9:30 to see if she were awake. She looked up at me as I walked into the room. She didn’t say anything. I told her it looked like she had had a good night’s sleep. Then I asked if she wanted to get up or continue to rest. She didn’t hesitate in choosing to stay in bed. Shortly after 10:00, I went back to her bed. I wanted her to get up so that I could get her to lunch before the sitter arrived. I told her I would like to take her to lunch. She was agreeable and slowly got up out of bed with a little boost from me. She is beginning to want my assistance when she gets out of bed, the car, or some chairs.

She said she wanted to go to the bathroom and asked where it is. I pointed in the direction on the other side of the bed and said, “It’s right over there.” She didn’t understand. I told her I would show her the way. Once she was in the bathroom, I left her and went to the kitchen. About fifteen minutes later, I returned and saw that she was sitting in a chair beside our bed. She hadn’t dressed and said, “Are you the doctor?” I can’t be sure what prompted her question, but the fact that she was undressed and might not have known me might have had something to do with it. I told her I wasn’t a doctor, that I was her husband. She gave me a look of disbelief and said, “What’s your name?” I told her. Then she asked her name.

I asked her if it was hard to believe that I was her husband. She said it was. I said, “It seems like you trust me.” She said, “Why do you say that?” I said, “Well, you’re sitting there without your clothes on and you don’t seem concerned at all.” She said, “I guess you’re right. You’re a nice guy.” I didn’t pursue it further but helped her with her clothes, most of which she took care of herself.

The subject of who I am came up again in the car on the way to Panera. She still found it hard to believe I am her husband. She asked my name again. I mentioned that we have children. She was surprised and asked who they are. When I told her their names, she said that she liked those names.

Before taking our seats at a table, she asked if I would mind getting her drink. That is one of only a few times she has asked for my help with the drink machine. Sometimes I volunteer to do it for her when we have to take a seat that is not close to the machine. She didn’t say anything more about me or the children. She was occupied with her puzzles.

Since we were running late, I called the sitter and asked her to meet us at Panera. When Marilyn arrived, Kate was very cordial as she usually is. When I told her I was going to Rotary and the Y, she said, “What am I going to do?” I told her that she and Marilyn could stay at Panera for a while and then go home anytime they wanted. She asked if Marilyn knew how to get there. I told her she did and left for Rotary. It was one of those times that I felt all right leaving her.