Meeting our Expectations

In my previous post, I mentioned that the Greeleys were visiting us for the afternoon and that I expected to have another great day. It was a very good visit. We showed them a little bit of our world. Kate was late in getting ready, so we had them meet us at Panera. We chatted briefly before driving to Bluefish Grill for lunch. We introduced them to our friends out there, the hostess, our server, and the manager.

We caught up on their lives as well. Scott had recently returned from a three-week trip to Native American land in Arizona and New Mexico. This was another one of his many trips with students. He is preparing a video of the entire trip for them. He showed us three-quarters of it yesterday. Very impressive and very interesting. While Kate and Jan had a conversation, Scott gave me a fascinating Cliff Notes summary of the trip and culture of the various Indian tribes.

At 5:00, I received a phone call from a former housemate at TCU. I told him he called at a good time and would never guess who was with us. When I told him, Kate responded with great surprise and said, “Scott Greeley? I didn’t recognize you.” I was equally surprised at her reaction. Although I know she can’t remember their names, it never crossed my mind that she would have spent more than five hours with them and not know who they were.” I have to believe it was a momentary lapse. I do know that she usually knows my name, but sometimes she forgets. When I tell her, she often says, “I knew that; it just slipped my mind.” Whatever the reason, it got my attention.