Two days ago I mentioned that I had received a call from Jan and Scott Greeley while we were in Barnes & Noble. They were in town for the memorial service of a friend and were to let us know when they were ready for lunch. We met them and had a great time catching up on things they were doing. They are among our most traveled friends. Recently they returned from trip to Costa Rica. Scott and Kate have been friends their whole lives. Their mothers were friends and were pregnant at the same time. I understand from Kate that the two mothers occasionally tried to encourage a more serious relationship. By the time that might have happened, Scott’s family had moved to Midland, Texas. The two families saw one another from time to time, and they both ended up at TCU where Kate and I met.
I say all this to convey that Scott is someone Kate has known well and liked her entire life. Since they have lived in Nashville as long as we have lived in Knoxville, we have been able to get together several times a year, especially during the past few years. So when I told Kate, that the call was from the Greeleys and that we would be leaving to meet them for lunch, I expected to see her eyes light up. Instead, she said, “Tell me who they are again.” I explained and thought she understood though she still expressed no excitement. I put away my computer in preparation for us to leave. I expected her to close her iPad. Instead, she told me she wanted to finish her puzzle before going. It turned out that she was not just on the last couple of pieces but several. It took her another five minutes or so to finish. Then we left. For me, her nonchalant response to our meeting the Greeleys was a significant sign of how much her memory is deteriorating. It is one more of many little signs that tell me we are moving more quickly to another stage of her disease.