After Kate and I got home from lunch today, I came inside. She wanted to pull leaves in the backyard. I had a 2:00 doctor’s appointment and had decided to take her with me rather than leaving here home alone. When I told her I was taking her, she didn’t question it at all. The same was true the last time I paid a visit to his office. My plan was to leave the house at 1:25 in order to be there 15 minutes before hand. At 1:10, I went outside and told her it was time to get ready to leave. She said she wanted to change tops. I told her that would be fine, but we didn’t have time for her to take a shower. She didn’t like that, but I thought she had agreed. I gave her a few minutes to change. Then I went back to her room where it appeared that she was getting ready to put on clean clothes. I told her I was just checking, that we needed to leave. I left her again. When I went back, she had just gotten out of the shower. I told her it was time to go and to hurry. I hate doing this, but she moves as though time doesn’t matter at all. Then I said, “I really need to go.” That led to a panic attack that didn’t fully cease until after we were in the doctor’s waiting room. What really bothers me more than that I caused the attack is that she is then so sorry that she has upset me.
We are now back home. She was fine even before we left the doctor’s. That is one of the positive things about Alzheimer’s. Shortly after we got home, she wanted to go outside to pull leaves. She asked me if she could do so. I told her she could. She asked if she could pull leaves in front. I told her she could. She came inside and put a shirt on over the top she was wearing. I was here in the kitchen. She walked in and asked if she could go outside. Again, I said she could. She asked if she could use the clippers. When I told her yes, she gave me a look of surprise as though I sometimes say no. I don’t ever recall doing so.