Clothes Are Often a Challenge

I am writing this from Panera. About 10:00 Kate said, “Let’s go to Panera.” Fortunately, I had just finished labeling a set of photos I had scanned yesterday. It was a good time to take a break. I could tell she was eager to go. I went back to our bathroom and noticed that she had not taken her medicine. I got the pills and went back to the kitchen. In addition, she had not combed her hair at all. I mentioned that we would be going directly to meet friends for lunch. She had forgotten and wasn’t dressed the way she would have wanted. She was wearing her old, dirty yellow sweater. I asked if she didn’t have another one she could wear. She told me to go find one. I looked for the one I had recently bought her to replace the one she always wears. I looked but didn’t find it. I brought her leather jacket to her. It is also soiled. She didn’t want to wear that. Ultimately, she wore the yellow one.

About 10 minutes ago, she asked, “Are we going to Belk’s when we leave here?” I told her we were going to meet our friends and asked what she needed. She said she wanted to buy a bra. I asked her about the two that we had bought last week. She didn’t remember and didn’t know where they are. Thus she is not wearing a bra.

She was quite frustrated as we were leaving the house. I took this as a sign of frustration with herself over her inability to keep up with “things” (clothes, iPad, etc.). To be continued.