This morning I felt like we were headed for an unpleasant day. That was probably reflected in my first post of the day. The second was more upbeat. I am glad to report that it ended well. How do I account for it? Staying busy. We were out of the house a good bit of the day. We didn’t get to Panera until 11:15. We finished lunch close to 1:30. From there we drove to a senior living facility to visit one of my Sunday school class members. Her daughter. from Atlanta was visiting with her which made for a pleasant time. My class member has gone down since I last saw her. She is in the dementia unit and clearly showed that she is in the right place. She seemed to know us, but she was quite confused. Every time I asked a question, she gave a strange answer.
When we left, we went to Belk’s to get Kate some shoes. We also got her some new hose. She looked for a summer sweater, something that she could wear into a restaurant to protect her from the air conditioning, but did not find anything. From there we came home for a short break. I turned on some music. We both got something to drink, water for me, Dr. Pepper for her. We sat together in the family room and chatted for about 30 minutes. Then we went looking for a sweater but no luck. It was 5:15; so we decided to have an early dinner and went to Naples. We both enjoyed the meal and our time together. When we got home, she asked me to leave the garage door open, and she would stay outside a while. She remained there about an hour. I came inside, put on some music, and started copying a few CDs to my computer from which I will transfer them to my phone. Kate came in a short time ago. When she got out of the shower, she asked me if I were going to bring something in for dinner. I told her we had already eaten.Then she remembered.