Last night as we were getting ready to leave for a reception sponsored by the symphony, Kate had a minor panic attack. I don’t recall exactly what upset her, but she finally said, “My life is just falling apart.” This was one of the few times she has expressed such a clear recognition that she is losing her ability to do things. This morning she expressed a similar sentiment. This occurred after I had asked her if she had seen the power cord for my phone. I also noticed that she had put dirty dishes in the dishwasher with clean dishes.
Perhaps this is what prompted me to write Ken and Virginia to let them know I was nearing a decision to inform two of her cousins about her illness. I asked them if they knew any reason that I shouldn’t do so. They both wrote back that I should do what I feel is right. With that in mind, I will notify them either this week or next. I suspect that means next week because this week is pretty busy.
Ken and I also exchanged a couple of emails today. I had asked him how he was doing. I opened the door to our having a phone conversation. He wrote back and indicated that would be best. We will work that out next week. This is something that I would like to do on a regular basis. I think it would be good for both of us.
I am continuing to consider reaching out to others who are going through the same thing. Yesterday I was reminded of a friend who is also in our shoes. I hadn’t thought of contacting him since he and his wife retired to Myrtle Beach, but I will do so soon.
I believe this need to contact other people is a sign that Kate’s continuing decline is related to a corresponding need for stress relief for me.