Lingering Colds

Kate and I are still nursing the colds we have had for a few weeks. We had been recovering slowly, but steadily, until this week. Yesterday and today, I have been much better, but Kate is worse. The past two nights she has coughed a good bit. She still seems to feel all right. I am glad about that.

It looks like a quiet holiday weekend for us. That is probably a good thing in terms of our colds. I haven’t even made reservations for a New Year’s Eve dinner. I will probably attempt to do that today.

Tomorrow afternoon we have a drop-in to celebrate the 93rd birthday of a woman with whom we sit at our musical nights at Casa Bella. They are also celebrating the baptism of a new baby in the family. I am planning for us to make that unless our colds make that unwise.

Feeling Better But Not Wanting to Get Out

I came home directly after going to the Y this morning. My purpose was to get here early enough that I could take Kate to Panera for a while before time for lunch. She was in the family room editing photos on her computer. The TV was on to MSNBC. I asked if she would like to go to Panera. She said she would but not right then. I told her to just let me know when she would like to go. Then I went into the kitchen where I checked and answered my email. After 45 minutes or so, I went to the family room to see if she were ready to go. She wasn’t there. I went into the bedroom and found her under the covers. She was sound asleep.

Just a few minutes ago she came into the kitchen still dressed in her sweat pants and shirt that she had slept in. She said she wanted to go to Panera. Noticing the time I asked her if she would like to go eat lunch and, perhaps, go to someplace else instead. She hesitated. Then she said she didn’t want to get dressed. I suggested that she wouldn’t want to go out in her sweats. She didn’t want to but agreed to change. When she came out, she was still wearing the same sweatshirt but had changed to black slacks.

A little earlier I had reminded her that we are going to a musical tonight. She said, “Tonight?” and looked like that was an awful idea. I told her I thought it was something she would enjoy.

Escaping a Potential Problem

I am optimistic about another good day. My alarm went off at the correct time (6:15) which enabled me to have plenty of time to get myself ready for breakfast and to see that Kate is ready for our shore excursion that leaves at 8:30.

When I returned from breakfast, she was up and had had her shower. I brought her a muffin, smoked salmon, and yogurt. She finished about half of that and is now lying down under the covers. I will let her take another 15-20 minutes before getting her up and dressed.

Last night as we were returning from dinner, she took a fall down the circular staircase in the central atrium of the ship. She screamed and drew a lot of attention. She came down head first on her back. Fortunately, she does not seem to have been hurt. Several ship staff rushed to her aid and encouraged her to see the doctor. We agreed. As we waited, she indicated that she felt all right and moved her arms and legs to show that she was all right. Ultimately, we came back to the cabin without seeing the doctor.

When I got her situated in the room, I left to attend the evening show. I caught the last two numbers and then bought excursion tickets for this morning. When I got back, Kate told me that a nurse had come to the cabin. Kate had reassured her that she is all right. She just told me that she is not sore at all. It looks like we escaped a potential problem