I’ve written two long posts in a row. There is little reason to do the same today. What I believe is important is that the day went well. I let Kate sleep until she got up on her own about 11:00. Even better news is that she seemed fine. I easily got her to the bathroom and dressed. Then we were off to pick up our lunch.
We started to look at one of her photo books after lunch, but she wanted to rest. She slept a good while and then just rested for the balance of the afternoon. She was asleep when I told her it was time for dinner and not eager to get up, but she did.
As soon as we finished dinner, we went back to the bedroom. At 7:15 she was in bed. She went to sleep rather quickly and had a peaceful night until 4:00 this morning when she said, “What should I do?” I told her it was a good time to sleep. She asked me a question about some people she thought were in the room. I told her I had taken care of them, and we could go back to sleep. I did. I assume she went to sleep as well because I didn’t hear from her again.
It was an uneventful day, no drama. I think all of us need that once in a while. I know we did.