Today, Kate and I take the first leg of our trip to Texas. We are driving to Nashville for a visit with Ellen who has now moved into a new assisted living facility that is much closer to her daughter. We’ll have dinner and then spend the night near the airport where we catch a plane to Lubbock tomorrow.
We’ve stopped by Panera for Kate’s muffin. On the way over, I mentioned that today is the twins’ (our grandsons) birthday and that they are now 16. She said, “What twins?” I told her. Then she asked,”Who is their mother?” I said, “Our daughter, Jesse.” The she asked her last name. This kind of exchange has become a regular occurrence, not just once a day but quite a few times. She asks without any particular concern or worry. She does it very naturally. I answer her in like manner.
It was two years ago, that I took over all the packing for our trips. Kate has never said a word that would suggest that she has even noticed. That is why I started in the first place. We were making a weekend trip. I had put her suitcase on her bed. When it was time to leave, I went to her room and found the suitcase had been closed and was sitting upright on the floor. I picked it up to take to the car. When I did, it was so light that I opened it to look inside. There was nothing in it. I quickly gathered things together and put them in the suitcase. I didn’t say a word to her, and she never said anything to me. Since then, I have done all the packing from the start.
We will be occupied a good bit today, so I probably won’t be back in touch after this. I do intend, however, to make periodic posts while we are gone. We get back one week from today.
Have a great day. That’s what we plan to do.