
Among the many ways in which Kate and I have been fortunate is avoiding sundowning (sundowners, sundown syndrome), and, at this last stage of her Alzheimer’s, I began to think it was something we might not face. Not everyone does. To the best of my knowledge, my mother never did. I know my dad never talked about it. Since I visited them regularly in the late afternoon, it seems I should have had some personal observation if she had the problem.

I am also mindful that life is always changing. That is especially true with dementia. Nevertheless, I was caught a little off guard this past Friday when Kate, who had been happily resting in her recliner, became more talkative. It was more than just talking. The pace was faster than usual. It seemed like she was a bit hyper. Although it was late in the day, the thought of sundowners didn’t cross my mind. After all, I had observed this kind of behavior before and at earlier times of the day.

It was only at dinner when she spoke very sternly to her caregiver who was feeding her that I thought she might be sundowning. That was repeated numerous times before she finished eating. Her mind appeared to be focused on her own thoughts, not food. When it was time for dessert, she had her usual ice cream in which I mix her evening medicine. The dessert became her focus of attention. After that, she was back to normal, and we had a good evening.

Before the caregiver left, I told her I suspected that had been Kate’s first occurrence of sundowners and asked her opinion. She thought that might be the case. The next two days, we had similar experiences late in the day and during dinner. Each time, it was over when dinner ended.

After the three previous days, I was more prepared for a similar experience the next day. When she has been agitated before, my approach has always been to comfort her by speaking softly and slowly and conveying my love and support for her. That has always seemed to help. Based on what I had read about sundowning, I was doubtful that it was likely to work, but I wanted to try it.

Close to 4:30 when Kate became agitated and talkative. She also felt uncomfortable in her recliner and complained about pain. She wanted to get out of the recliner and go home. I kneeled down beside her and told her I would help her with whatever she needed. That had no immediate effect, but I continued my effort to comfort her. She did cool down somewhat but not completely. She was still disturbed.

The caregiver asked me if I had medications to give her for things like this. I told her the doctor had given me a prescription for Seroquel but I hadn’t used it since two days after Kate returned from the hospital at Thanksgiving. I told her I wasn’t ready to use it again. I didn’t want to resort to medication if I might have success without it.

I felt the need for something to distract her. Of course, I thought of music. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and turned on one of Puccini’s best-known arias, “O Mio Babbino Caro.” It’s a favorite of Kate’s. I’m sure it still is, but it didn’t do the trick this time.

I decided to try the Seroquel. The doctor had prescribed 1/2 of a 25mg tablet.  After giving it to her, I told her how much I loved her. As I did, I thought of another song that she likes and that I have often played for her, “A Bushel and a Peck.” I sang it along with the Doris Day recording. As I did, she smiled and started mouthing some of the words. I played it two or three more times. Then I selected a group of very familiar children’s songs from an album of 100 songs. I started with “The Alphabet Song” and continued with others like “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” “The Bear Went Over the Mountain,” “Old MacDonald,” and “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.” Sundowners was a thing of the past.

We had no trouble at dinner. She happily ate everything. Midway the Seroquel kicked in. She was sleepy. As always we took her directly to bed after dinner. The difference this time was that she fell asleep immediately and slept until 9:30 yesterday morning. Normally, she is awake until 10:00 and sleeps until at least 11:00 the next morning.

Yesterday, for the fifth day in a row, Kate had a similar experience just before coming to the table for dinner. The first signs were a desire to go home and discomfort in her recliner. Again at dinner, she protested the caregiver’s effort to feed her. She ate about half of her meal before I decided to go straight to her ice cream for dessert. That turned the tide, and she was fine the rest of the evening.

Although I am unable to pinpoint the cause of these changes, she is obviously disturbed which makes me believe offering her love and comfort along with pleasant distractions have some therapeutic benefit. How well this strategy will work over the long run remains to be seen, but I am going to continue my preferred approach. I will definitely try comforting, music, and anything else I can think of before trying medication. I don’t mean to suggest that medication can’t play an important role in controlling sundowning. I just think it should be used only after pursuing other solutions. I am also going to be more sensitive to keeping her entertained late in the afternoon before dinner. It might postpone or prevent similar episodes.

Coincidentally, we had a telehealth appointment with Kate’s doctor yesterday afternoon. We talked about this, and she reinforced my suspicion that something other than medication is a reasonable first step in addressing the problem.