More of the Same

I had just passed the halfway point in my walk at 7:35 yesterday morning when I saw that Kate was about to get up. I went to the bedroom and discovered that this was another morning of the same kind of confusion and anxiety that I have seen more of in the past ten days. It seems like it’s becoming a pattern. She looked very confused. I am sure she didn’t know me, but I didn’t say anything that might have prompted her to tell me.

I told her I was there to help her. She said, “I don’t know what to do.” I said, “Usually you want to go to the bathroom.” She asked why, and I tried, unsuccessfully, to explain. Then I asked her to come with me. She agreed to go with me to the bathroom although she had a look of apprehension on her face. As on other mornings, she periodically said, “Help me. Please, help me.” I assured her that I would. She was very dependent on me to help her with everything. From the bathroom, I took her back to bed. She said, “I wish you could stay with me.” I told her I would be happy to stay. I went to the kitchen to get my things and returned to the chair right beside her side of the bed. She was asleep very quickly, and I returned to my walk.

The rest of the day went well. She was happy to see the sitter and happy to see me when I got home. She did say she wanted to go home. I told her I would take her. We went to dinner. She never said another word about going home.

She watched the news with me but looked rather bored. I asked if she would like to get ready for bed. She did. I put on a YouTube video of a concert of music from My Fair Lady. She enjoyed it. As usual, she was still awake an hour after the concert but was very much at ease. We ended the day on a happy note.