Kate’s iPad

Since giving up her computer and then her yardwork, Kate has been dependent on her iPad for all of her self-initiated entertainment. The past several years she has spent as much as eight hours a day working jigsaw puzzles on it. The past few days she has spent very little time with it. The last three nights when I checked the battery level, it was at 88% of capacity or greater. That is the best measure of how little it was used this week.

Some of that relates to her sleeping and resting. Until a year ago, we went to Panera almost every morning. We usually stayed more than an hour and sometimes two hours during which she worked steadily on her puzzles. Now it is unusual for her to get up before 10:30 or 11:00, and we go straight to lunch.

Similarly, she used to use her iPad at home after lunch and often at Barnes & Noble. We haven’t been there in several months. She usually rests after lunch, sometimes as long as two and a half hours. Thus, the sleeping/resting explains why she is using the iPad so much less than in the past, but that isn’t all. She also finds it much more difficult to work her puzzles. She asks for my help significantly more, but she also has more trouble understanding what I tell her. My instructions mean nothing. She is generally more persistent in trying to complete her puzzles, but, increasingly, she just quits or asks me to complete them.

I know she will have to give up the iPad sometime in the future. I just hope she can hold on a while longer. I’m not counting on it, but, perhaps, her photo books and the coloring book may fill in the gap.