Last Night and This Morning

I was glad to see Kate get to bed a little earlier last night (9:00). That is something I am trying to encourage as a way of getting her to wake up earlier in the morning. I joined her about 45 minutes later. The other day, she told me the Russian choral music I like was beautiful. That and the fact that she was still awake led me to play that album as we went to sleep. It is very relaxing. I often play it while I meditate. I don’t know how long it was before we were asleep. I know that we only heard a portion of the album and that Kate mentioned several times how beautiful the music was.

This morning Kate gently opened my closet door where I was getting dressed. She was a bit groggy as she usually is when she gets up. She was looking for the bathroom. This is the first time I have been aware of her not remembering where the bathroom is. Of course, I am usually in the kitchen when she gets out of bed, so I wouldn’t know. Anyway, she was very confused. She was still dressed in her night gown but carrying the top she had worn yesterday. She said something about getting dressed. I told her it was still early (6:30) and that she might want to go back to bed after using the toilet.

I wondered how long she would sleep. It wasn’t long until I knew. She was up about 8:30. She had already taken her shower when I asked if I could help her. She told me I could get her something to wear. I put her clothes on the bed and showed her where they were and left her to get dressed. She was ready to go about 9:45 wearing exactly what I had picked out except for the shoes and socks. I considered that a small victory.

She has been in an unusually good humor this morning. As we drove away from the house, she said, “You’re a good guy. And you’re a good husband.” The she added, “What is your name?” When I told her, she said, “I knew that.” Then she asked my full name. I said, “Richard Lee Creighton.” She started to repeat it. Then she asked me to tell her again. When we arrived at Panera a few minutes later, she said, “Richard Lee Creighton.” She was beaming. We’re off to a good start.