Kate is in an unusually cheerful mood this morning. Since she got ready for the day, she hasn’t shown any of the slowness that she often feels in the morning. She has also teased me a little bit. In addition, she wasn’t the least bit annoyed that it took me a little bit longer to get my things together after she was ready.
On our way to Panera, she asked, “How many grandchildren do we have?” I told her and then asked if she would like me to tell her their names. She said yes, and I went through each of them as I normally do. I started to tell her about our son’s children. She asked where they live. I told her they live in Lubbock. When I mentioned that Brian, our oldest, had just finished his freshman year at TCU, she was as happy as if this were the first time I had told her. To her, it really was.
At Panera, she looked up from her iPad and said, “What is your last name?” This is becoming rather common now. I guess it is understandable since she rarely has any reason to use it whereas she does use my first name which she is also forgetting occasionally.
Today, we have a sitter coming at 1:00, so we’ll leave soon and get some lunch. It looks like another good day.
Postscript (3:15 p.m.)
Normally, I don’t tell Kate that I am about to leave and the sitter is coming. I just wait until the sitter arrives. Then I say something like, “Well, I guess it’s time for me to go to Rotary and/or the Y.” She seems to accept that without showing any great concern. Her recent comments about liking to go where I go have made me wonder if she is telling me that she would rather be with me than the sitter. On at last one occasion a few months ago, she said just that.
Anyway, my concern led me to tell her in advance that I would be going to the Y. She responded just as I hoped. She wasn’t bothered at all. She just said she would see me later. I was relieved. I consider that an additional sign of how good she has felt all day today.