This is a short follow up to my previous post about our good day yesterday. I closed that by saying, “We’ll see what tomorrow brings.” Now I know. It’s been another good day. Once again it was a day without any special events. We just went about our daily routine. Kate has also been unusually good humored all day.
I won’t detail exactly what we did as in the previous post. I would just like to make two observations. First, and more important, it has now been two days that Kate has not complained about the arthritis in her knee. Except for how slowly she walks and gets in and out of the car, I wouldn’t know that she has a knee problem at all. I don’t believe this was because of any lessening of pain. I believe it relates to her mood. She has simply been more positive in her outlook today. The only sign of annoyance she displayed all day was at Panera this morning when a young child screamed a couple of times. As I have said before, she is very sensitive to sudden and/or loud noises. As much as she loves seeing young children, she is often bothered by the noises they make.
The other observation is not directly related to her mood. It relates to her use of hand signals to communicate with me. I have mentioned that she uses hand signals to ask things like, “Should I get put on my night clothes?” Or “Should I take my iPad?” Or “Should I take my cup into the restaurant with me?” I don’t believe, however, that I have said anything about her responses to me when I say things like, “I love you.” “If I had the chance, I would marry you again.” Or any other loving or complimentary words. Instead of verbalizing her response, she points her index finger at herself and then at me to say she feels the same about me. This is not something I had known to be a characteristic of someone with dementia, but it may be. I do know That someone I follow on Twitter recently mentioned that his wife used a hand signal to indicate she was ready for their nightly orange for dessert; however, his wife has some impairment of speech. Kate does not.