Staying Busy Helps

Kate’s experience of boredom and my effort to relieve it leads to a somewhat active life. Yesterday could have been a problem in that I didn’t have anything planned except her monthly massage at 2:00. We made our daily pilgrimage to Panera, arriving earlier than we have in a couple of weeks. That meant that Kate was ready to leave before time for lunch. She seemed somewhat bored on the way home. Upon our arrival home, she asked what she could do. Since the sun was out and the temperature a little higher than it has been in the past couple of weeks, I mentioned that she could work outside. She liked that idea. About thirty minutes later, I went outside to let her know it was time for lunch. She was sitting in the middle of a flower bed. I have learned to control myself when I see her working like this in her everyday, but good, clothes. That doesn’t mean that I don’t notice. I didn’t say a word.

We went to a deli for lunch where she got an orange cranberry club sandwich that she likes. I got a salad that I like along with a cup of chili. It was a rather typical lunch. She spoke very little but didn’t seem bored as she had been earlier. I think working in the yard helped. It really is her therapy.

We had about forty-five minutes at home before we needed to leave for her massage. She talked about going outside again, but came directly inside and worked on her iPad for a few minutes. Then she rested in bed until I let her know it was time to leave. She was very comfortable and did not want to get up. When I reminded her about the massage, she wasn’t enthusiastic. It was clear that she would rather nap than have a massage. For a couple of years, I have arranged for her to go to a spa twice a month, once for a massage and the other for a facial. I am wondering how long this may be of some psychological benefit. I don’t honestly know how much she gets out of it now. My plan is to continue this schedule for the time being just because it offers another diversion for her, and it must be of some pleasure as well.

Before taking her for the massage, I got her cup and iPad along with my own things with the thought of going to Barnes & Noble (B&N) afterwards. After she was finished with her massage, I asked if she would like to go back home or to B&N. With no hesitation, she said B&N. We were there until just after 5:30 when we left for dinner. For some reason, she seems to be able to stay there longer than at Panera. I don’t know whether that is because we go to Panera more or if there is something about B&N that she likes. I do know that she seemed perfectly happy for over two hours. She never got up. I asked if she was ready for dinner several times. Each time she said, “Let me finish this one.” It is amazing how much time she spends on jigsaw puzzles. For quite a few months she has experienced frustration because she hits something that takes her to the store to buy more puzzles. When that happens, I have to get her out. More recently, she has been doing better. I am glad about that because this is her primary activity now. I hope that as the weather improves, she will spend more time outside.

The interesting thing to me is that she seems to like being at home only when she can work outside and in the evening after we return from dinner. It appears that she feels she spends too much time trapped in the house and needs to get away. Whatever the reason, I will continue to arrange things for us outside the house.