An Uplifting Phone Call

Shortly after returning from lunch today, I received a call from Inez Grayson. She is a friend of Kate’s and a former staff member at our church. They became friends when Kate was the church librarian. She had called me a couple of weeks ago to arrange a time when she could take Kate to lunch to celebrate her birthday.

Inez wanted me to know what a good time they had had and how much she enjoyed the lunch. Inez had arrived before I arrived with Kate and had ordered their lunches following my recommendations for Kate. Inez said she was so impressed that Inez had remembered what she likes. She also commented on how much Kate had talked. She found it surprising how many things that Kate had remembered about some of their past experiences. Several people whom Inez didn’t know came to the table to speak to Kate. Inez said she handled herself beautifully. After the friends had left, Inez asked who they were. Kate said, “I don’t know.”

I was so pleased to hear how well the lunch had gone. I’m not surprised. She has always been very fond of Inez, but I always like to hear that she has gotten along well. It is another good illustration of how well she can function in social situations. I hope this continues for a long time.

When Inez first called, she was happy to include me, but I thought it would be much better for just the two of them to have time together. I know that when I am around, I can dominate more than I should. I am so glad I wasn’t there.