October 14, 2017
I have mentioned several times that Kate is having difficulty when she works on jigsaw puzzles on her iPad. At first, she tended to think there was something wrong with the iPad itself. Over time she has come to realize that “operator error” is involved.
The problem she experiences is that hits a button on the screen that takes her to options to buy more puzzles. She seems to recognize this is not something she wants to do. Her initial response was to close the iPad and put it down on the table when we are at Panera. Then I ask if I can help. She doesn’t answer. I pick up the iPad and get her back to the puzzle she was working on or a new puzzle if the problem occurred after completing her puzzle.
For months, I have encouraged her to simply ask me to help, and I would be glad to do so. This morning, for the very first time, it appears that she may be giving in to that. It occurred when she encountered a slightly different problem. She had almost completely finished a puzzle when she couldn’t see any more pieces. That was because there is a button at the bottom of the screen that removes all the unused pieces from the board when you hit it, something she had obviously done. When you hit it the next time, the pieces reappear. I showed her the button. Then I said, “But I want you to feel free to simply ask me to fix the problem if it happens again.” She said, “I will.” I said, “That makes me feel good. It makes me feel needed.” She smiled and went back to her puzzle.
I know that this doesn’t stop her from incurring any future problems. I do hope that it is one small step in strengthening her view of me as a willing helper when she encounters problems.