Still Not Feeling Well

About 11:30 yesterday morning, I checked to see if Kate wanted some lunch, she indicated that she did. She got up from bed pretty quickly but was moving very slowly and showed no improvement since getting up this morning. We went to our usual place which is about 20 minutes from home. She was very quiet on the way, during lunch, and returning home. As soon as she walked inside, she got into bed again. She stayed there for about an hour, perhaps a little longer. Then she came into the family room where I was seated and asked, “”What can I do?” Before I could answer, she said, “”I could go around front.” It was stated like a question. I told her I thought that might be good therapy. I really meant it as it was the first time since Friday that she had shown any interest in going outside.

She remained outside for about an hour. Then she came in to take a shower. She appeared normal. I said something to her about being glad to see her feeling fine again. She acted as though she had never been sick. When she had dressed, she was ready to get out of the house. We went to Panera for another hour before going to dinner. She was quiet, but she ate well. Upon our arrival home, she put on a night gown and got into bed with her iPad.

At 8:00, she said, “”Good night.” I said I would go in the other room, but she wanted me to stay with her. I did for the next hour or so. Then I went into the family room and reviewed Memory People posts on Facebook. When I went to bed, she woke up and sounded normal. I told her I felt better now. She didn’t understand. I told her that she had felt sick for a couple of days. She didn’t remember.

Now I feel relieved. I was really worried that we might be facing something more problematic. This doesn’t necessarily mean that all is well. A few minutes ago, she came into the kitchen to get some juice and yogurt. She gave me quite a scowl. This is not entirely unusual. She is this way in the morning periodically. I tried to speak to her, but she didn’t want to engage in conversation. She has gone back to the bedroom. I’ll give her time to get going in her own time. It is common for her to go back to sleep after getting up for her juice and yogurt.