Morning Confusion

A little earlier Kate was in the bed working on her iPad. I heard her express some frustration and say something about not being able to get this “thing” working. I asked if I could help. Then I walked over to her. She handed the iPad to me. I saw immediately that she was not in her jigsaw puzzle app but in photos instead. I got her back to her puzzles, and she said, “I can’t live without you.” I said, “You don’t have to; I will always be here for you.” I doubt that she can envision what the future holds, but moments like these are full of meaning for me.

Recently I have been struck by the fact that it seems like she has the most trouble with her iPad during the morning, especially while we are at Panera. At other times of the day, for example at night when you might expect her to be worn out, she is able to work on the iPad for long periods of time without needing my help. I wonder if it is just a morning grogginess that is the basis of the morning confusion.