A Successful Experience with the New Sitter

Today, Mary, the sitter, came back for her second visit. As Kate and I were nearing the end of our lunch, I mentioned that I was going to donate platelets and that Mary would be coming back again. Knowing that she would not remember Mary, I said she was the person who visited her last week. She gave me a look that implied she wasn’t thrilled about that. Although that did discourage me a little, I considered that she sometimes reacts the same way when I mention that a friend is coming over or that we are going to lunch with a friend. In these instances, I am confident that it is because she does not remember the person.

Mary arrived while Kate was outside cleaning out a flower bed in the front yard. I went out to tell Kate that I was going to leave for my platelet donation. Mary had gotten out of her car and was following me down the driveway. After my saying goodbye to Kate, she greeted Mary warmly. I felt good about that because it sounded so genuine.

When I returned home, Kate and Mary were seated in the family room where Kate was looking at a family photo album. Mary said Kate had shown it to her and taken her through the house. Kate had a smile on her face that indicated that she was very comfortable having Mary. Then Mary left. As she was walking out the door, Kate said, “She is really good.” I am back to feeling good again. The only thing is that Mary cannot come next Wednesday; so the agency is going to send yet another new sitter.