A Surprising Positive (?) Change

Much earlier in Kate’s journey, I commented on the fact that she didn’t ever put up her clothes. I have pictures showing clothes stacked on the bed in her office, on the floor, and in two of the guest rooms. This continued for a very long time. I am glad to report that she is considerably better about hanging up her clothes now than in the past. That doesn’t usually happen at night when she changes into her night clothes. At that particular time, she almost always throws her clothes on the floor or the chair beside the bed along with her shoes and socks. Sometimes she picks them up in the morning or later in the day. Other times I get to them first. Over the past two-three years, I have made a point to try to pick up her clothes wherever I find them and put them back in her closet. But I don’t want to take away from the fact that she is actually working hard to keep things straight.

I don’t really know how to account for the change. I consider it positive for two reasons. One is that it makes it a lot easier for both of us to find the clothes she wants to wear. Secondly, I think it is good for her to have a responsibility, something to do besides working jigsaw puzzles and pulling leaves. On the negative side, I also imagine that she is struggling to fight the more natural tendencies of her Alzheimer’s. I see it in moments when she tries to figure out how to put on a night gown or a top. On occasion, I offer my help. She almost always turns me down. These are among those moments when I feel so sad for her. I know it takes an effort for me to face a losing battle trying to prevent or solve problems she has. I can’t imagine how it feels to have them myself.