Since my post the other day about the possibility of Kate’s experiencing a sharper decline than I have observed in the past, I have thought a little more about what it is that makes me feel that way. I obviously felt strong enough to start filling out a claim form for long-term care insurance, to call the insurance company for some answers, to contact an in-home agency, and sign a contract for services beginning in September.
My answer is this. It isn’t a single behavior that makes me feel this way. It is a combination of little ones. I do believe the pruning of our neighbor’s shrub was an important sign, but it is also expressed in more signs of confusion than usual. She has been acknowledging that she can’t remember things. She seems a little more childlike. She is regularly accepting my offer to get her night clothes for her. It is also the increasing problem with salivation and lack of concern for her appearance. I also noticed two other things yesterday. She spit on the carpet at Panera. When we came home, it was raining. She had several used paper napkins in her hand. She just threw them on the drive back of the garage.
I hope, of course, that I am wrong about getting a signal that she is on a steeper decline, but these signs make me thing she is.