Kevin had asked last night if he might come to our hotel and visit us at 9:30 this morning. I, of course, said yes. He just left. Jesse and Greg are staying at the same hotel; so Jesse joined us for almost an hour before Greg came down. It was a very pleasant visit among the five of us. Kate made only a few comments. Those were mostly in reaction to a comment I had made about people our age who are together only a few minutes before they talk about all the prescriptions they are taking or the ailments they are experiencing. It appeared that Kate felt I was making a statement about her because she said that she never did that. She went on to say that she didn’t have to take much medication. I simply agreed with her and nothing more was said.
As we went back to the room after Kevin left and Jesse went back to her room, I said something to Kate about how nice it was to spend that time with Jesse and Kevin. I also noted how nice it was to see them interacting as adults. She didn’t respond in any way. She simply looked weary. When we got back to the room, she asked if she could rest a while. I told her she could. She is in bed right now.
Yesterday while we were at Kevin and Rachel’s house, she said hardly a word. The same is true at TopGolf where we spent about two hours. It is clear that she is beginning to enter her own world. That saddens me greatly.