Kate continued to rest for quite a while this afternoon. I thought she was just tired. That was correct, but she had another problem with diarrhea. This time the sheets and pad on the bed were soiled. I rinsed them with a little soap and water in the bathroom sink. I felt I also needed to machine wash them. I went to the laundromat to see if it was open today and found that it was and how much it costs for the soap, the washer, and the drier. I came back to the apartment. By this time I had received a call from Jesse who was trying to coordinate on my getting her 2 tickets to Hawaii using my frequent flyer miles. When we finished our conversation, she was to text me on the exact flight information so that I could make the reservations.
I decided to take the bed linens to the laundromat while waiting for Jesse’s text. When I got there, I found it was closed. It looks like we will spend the night on the bed without bed linens. We do have a comforter. In the morning I will see that I get them washed and dried.
When I came back to Kate, she was hungry. I took her to get a sandwich. She ate about two-thirds of it and then started working on her iPad. By this time it was close to 5:25. Thinking that the evening vespers with our preacher of the week started at 5:30, I asked if she would like to go. She wasn’t very enthusiastic, but she said she would. As we walked over to the Hall of Philosophy where it is held, we saw people walking back our way. I asked if they were coming from vespers. They were; so we turned around and headed back to the apartment.
We heard the organ in the amphitheater and saw that the Chautauqua organist was giving a demonstration to a group of children and their parents. We stopped and listened. Then we started back to the apartment once again. Now I felt hungry. We went to the Brick Walk Café where I got a salad. Kate was not at all perky walking toward the Hall of Philosophy or walking back for my dinner or while I was eating. I finished my salad, and we came back to the apartment. She had gotten hot sitting outside at the café. I was pleased to find that it was cooler on our porch, and there was a gentle breeze. Kate started to sit down and then felt she just had to go inside where it is air conditioned. I stayed on the porch. It has been about 45 minutes. I am going to check on her and remind her of the sacred music concert that she had told me she wanted to attend. I think she will enjoy it if she goes, but I am not sure she will go.