We got back home from dinner about 25 minutes ago. After we got inside I asked Kate if she would like to watch one of the BBC programs I had recorded. She said she would. I turned the TV on and moved the chairs in front of the TV in the family room. A few minutes later she walked through the family room with her pill box, toothpaste, and night guard. I thought she said, “I’m going to take my medicine.” As I was sitting here in front of the TV, she came into the family room and said, “I’m taking my underwear.” I looked up and saw that she had underwear in her hand. She also had a pair of men’s trousers in her arms. I had bought them for her to wear outside when she works in the yard. I told her we weren’t going anywhere. She said, “Oh, that’s good.” Then she turned around and went back to her room. I haven’t heard from her since. That has been about 10 minutes. This is not the first time she has imagined my telling her we were either going somewhere, that someone was coming here, or something similar. I am beginning to wonder if this might not be something I see more of in the months ahead.