Going Public for the First Time

Over the past few weeks I have told more people about Kate. For example, I mentioned it to a staff member at church on Thursday. I asked her if she knew, and she said she did. Friday afternoon at a memorial service for a friend of Kevin’s and the daughter of long-time acquaintances from our early days in Knoxville. We met a couple from church. I asked the husband if he knew, and he said yes. I have also told several of my Sunday school class members. Then this morning before class one of the members asked about Kate and then asked a question about Alzheimer’s. That began a conversation that extended into the beginning of the class. I saw one person whom I hadn’t told. I did so before the class began. Then after our opening prayer. I continued the discussion about Kate. They were very understanding and seemed to be quite interested.

I am discovering that more people are aware than I knew about. That doesn’t surprise me in that I have recognized that by my telling selected people over the past couple of years, the news was bound to get around. Kate, of course, is still unaware, and I trust that she will always be unaware. She has enough to be concerned about.