I came home to take Kate to lunch before going to my Rotary meeting. Two or three weeks ago, we talked about my taking her to Chalupas, her favorite Mexican restaurant, since Ellen is no longer able to take her to lunch on Mondays. I really felt like it would be more convenient to go to Panera instead. Before leaving she asked if she had a cup in the car. I thought that signaled that she had forgotten about Chalupas; so I got a cup with the idea of going to Panera. In the car she asked what I was doing this afternoon. I told her I didn’t have any plans after Rotary. Then she said, “Oh it’s Rotary. I thought we said you would take me to Chalupas on your Rotary day.” Then she went on to say, “I’m the one with Alzheimer’s, but you forgot.” I said, “Sometimes I forget.” Then she said, “You remember the things that involve you. When it involves me, you don’t remember.” What makes this funny to me is the way she said these things. It sounded serious, but it was done very lightly as though she were kidding me. In fact, when we got out of the car to go to the restaurant, she said, “You have to have some faults. I can’t think of anything I would change about you.”