For the second day in a row, Kate got up on her own, this time about 10:25. She didn’t shower, so we made it to Panera shortly after 11:00. She was in a very cheerful mood. On the way to Panera, she whispered, “Tell me your full name.” That is the first time I recall her whispering in the car. She does it periodically at home. I’m not sure why. I suspect it is because she either thinks we have guests in the house or that we are staying in someone else’s home.
At lunch, she said, “What’s the name of this restaurant?” I told her, “Applebee’s.” In the next few minutes she asked two other times. The last time she said, “I know I’ve asked you before. I should remember that.” I said, “That’s all right. You can ask as many times as you want.” Then she asked my name. I told her and reminded her we have been married 55 years. She said, “Do we have children?” I told her we do, and she asked their names. I am no longer surprised at these conversations. They happen every day. I am just happy that she is able to ask so naturally without being too self-conscious about it. That is so much better than those moments when she is completely disoriented and has an attack of anxiety.
Following the experience we had last night, we spent some time in the family room. When I was ready to take my shower, Kate told me she was getting tired and having a little trouble with her puzzles. I told her I would put on some music in our bedroom, and she could get ready for bed. I brought her a night gown and put it on the bed. She was unsure of what she should do and asked, “What do I do now?” I told her to take off her clothes and put on her gown. She was still confused. I walked her through each step. When we were finished, she said, “I am glad I have you. I know that if something goes wrong, I know you will take care of it.” I definitely feel appreciated. I know that some caregivers work faithfully and don’t hear words like that. That’s another reason to be grateful.