More Ups and Downs

Yesterday was a day of confusion for Kate. Once again, we had two bright spots that balanced the down moments. One of those came after we returned from her monthly massage. We went into the family room where I picked up the “Big Sister” album her brother, Ken, had made for her and asked if she would like to look at it. I was thinking specifically about the trouble she had been having remembering her family and thought this might jog her memory. It worked beautifully. I sat down beside her, and we went through the entire 140 pages. It brought back great memories. When we finished, she started over at the beginning. She must have spent a full hour and a half looking at the pictures and commenting.

It wasn’t long before it was time to get ready for another musical night at Casa Bella. The musicians, especially the male singer, have been longtime favorites for many years. They are a little younger than Kate and I, but they know the music of our generation. I don’t think there was a single number we didn’t know. It was another great evening.

After we were in bed and ready to go to sleep, Kate said, “What’s your name?” I said, “I’m Richard Creighton, and I am your husband. We’ve been married 55 years.” She said, “Are you sure? I don’t know you.” I assured her I was right, but she still wasn’t sure. She decided to test me. She asked where we got married. I told her. She was surprised when I mentioned the church. It was the one in which she grew up. She still wasn’t absolutely convinced, however, and looked a little suspicious. I told her I loved her. She almost always says she loves me. She didn’t this time. I asked if she loved me. She said, “I don’t know.” I reached my hand to touch her, and she moved it away. She was tired and wanted to go to sleep. She said, “We’ll talk about it tomorrow.” In a few minutes, I moved next to her and put my arm around her. She didn’t push me away. Neither one of us said another word.