Kate’s sleeping continued to have an impact on our schedule yesterday and early this morning. I wasn’t too surprised when she got up earlier yesterday. It was around 10:00. She got up and showered and then went back to bed. When she goes back to bed like this, she doesn’t usually go back to sleep. Most of the time she just relaxes and runs her fingers through her hair. That is what she did yesterday. Had I let her, she might have stayed in bed too long for us to have lunch together. I didn’t want that, so I got her up and dressed. She was a bit more assertive about her independence getting dressed but had to ask for help several times. Our timing worked out well. Without rushing, we were able to get to lunch and back home about fifteen minutes before Mary arrived.
When we got home, Kate followed me to the bedroom and got in bed just as she had done the day before. That gave me a few minutes to talk with Mary before I left. She told me that Kate didn’t want to get up the last time she was here and that she (Mary) didn’t want to push her too hard. I told her she did the right thing although I regretted that it was 3:15 before she got up.
I walked Mary back to the bedroom before I left and told Kate I was going to the Y. She gave Mary a warm greeting. When I returned, they were talking in the family room. I didn’t have time to talk privately with Mary, but I got the impression that Kate had rested most of the time I was gone.
Around 3:00 this morning, Kate said, “Hey.” I said good morning and told her the time and that she still had a good bit of time to sleep. We didn’t talk much, but I could tell she was awake about an hour.
At 4:30, she got up to go to the bathroom. She got back in bed about twenty minutes later. That put me pretty close to the time I feel comfortable getting up. Having been mostly awake since 3:00, I decided to sleep a little longer and got up an hour later.
Apart from the way her sleep has changed our routine, we had a good time together. She did tease me a little after getting up yesterday morning, but it wasn’t mean-spirited at all. So we enjoyed the day. We just had less time together.
I don’t know what to expect for today. Will she get up early again because of all the sleep she got yesterday, or will she sleep late because she lost a couple of hours sleep during the night? I’m guessing it will be the latter. Fortunately, we have no special commitments. My only concern will be getting something to eat before noon. I have some granola I can snack on to hold me over until she is up.