Last night, Kate was tired and had trouble working on her iPad when we returned from dinner. I’m not sure her problem with her puzzles relates only to being tired. She seems to experience increasing difficulty remembering how to open her puzzle program or how to get a new puzzle once it is open. As I have mentioned before, she is also asking for my help when she has only one or two pieces left. It should be pretty easy to see where the pieces go with a 16-piece puzzle, but it is not easy for her. It is not unusual for her to ask me to finish the puzzle for her. She finally gave up trying and got in bed around 8:00. When I joined her closer to 10:00, she was awake. I got the impression she had been awake the whole time.
Around 5:30 this morning, she must have had a dream. She moved close to me and put her arm around me and held tightly. She did not appear to be awake. Neither she nor I said a word. I put my arm around her. She was very tense. As I held her, she relaxed. Since we didn’t speak, I don’t know if Kate remembered my name. The way she reached for me made it clear that she recognized me as someone she knows. I take it as another sign that she looks to me for security.
About 8:30, I checked on her. I expected her to be sleeping soundly. To my surprise, she was getting dressed. I helped her briefly, and she was ready to leave for Panera and her muffin shortly after 9:00. It’s a little like old times. As we walked in, we spoke with a couple we have seen most frequently on our visits. The man and I have connected, and each of us has missed seeing each other. We arrived before a Bible study group from a nearby Baptist church. That gave us a moment to speak with one of their group whom we have known through musical circles in town. We also said hello to a young woman seated at the table next to ours. She is a medical student who often spends time at Panera studying. Kate went over to her, and they spoke for a few minutes. Since she didn’t get as much sleep as usual, I suspect Kate will be ready to go back home and rest a bit before we go to lunch, but we’re off to a good start.