We went to Panera for lunch today. In the car, Kate asked my name. After telling her, I mentioned Jesse. She said, “Who?” I said, “Jesse is our daughter.” She said, “What’s her name again?” I told her. Then I told her the names of her husband and their sons. At lunch, she asked my name at least three or four times. She asked her father’s name and her own.
I told her that this afternoon I was going to meet with our insurance man who is retiring and wanted me to meet the man is taking his practice. I also mentioned a dental appointment after that. Then I told her that Mary would be staying with her and that I had set up the DVD player for them to play Les Miserables if they wanted to. She looked puzzled and asked the name again. When I told her, I was the one who was surprised. She didn’t remember the musical at all. She said she would try it but didn’t express any enthusiasm. It was hard to believe we have watched it so much over the past seven or eight weeks. It seems like her memory is getting worse each day.