I checked on Kate at 8:45 this morning. She had just gotten up. In her arms she had gathered the clothes I put out for her. She was headed to take a shower. I asked if she would like to use the one in our bathroom. She said it didn’t matter, so I suggested she use ours. I got everything ready for her.
A little later I checked on her again. She had showered and was starting to get dressed. I looked in the bathroom and discovered she had used the two towels I put out for her. In addition, however, she had gotten into two drawers of other towels. She had tossed at least three different hand towels on the floor, only one of which appeared to have been used. In addition, she had pulled out another bath mat that was on the floor along with several wash cloths. She continued to dress while I took care of the bathroom.
After another 45 minutes, I checked, and she was still not dressed. She had misplaced several things and was searching for them. This is becoming common. Although I have each item laid out so that she can see each one, she seems to pick up one thing and put it someplace else. The items are usually thrown someplace so that it they can be hard to find. That is particular hard when something like black socks are thrown on our dark blue rug. It can be difficult to find them.
We are in one of those in between stages. She is already accepting my help in picking out her clothes, but she still likes to dress herself. I can understand that. I think I would be the same way. I am trying to let her do just that but checking on her periodically so that I can find the things she has misplaced. I suspect that is a major reason it takes her so long to dress. I know that some of that time is trying to identify the front from the back of her top and pants and then to put them on correctly, but some of it has to be trying to locate the things I had put out for her. We are, of course, moving toward the time that I will play a major role in her dressing. At the rate we are going, that won’t be long. In the meantime, we’ll stick with what we are doing now. I want her to retain as much independence as she can.