Starting Slowly, but Hoping for a Strong Finish

In other posts I’ve noted that Kate has never been a morning person. Throughout our marriage, I’ve always been up much earlier than she. The exception was when she was working. Because of that we have never had breakfast together except when we are traveling. These days I let her sleep as long as she cares to. Over the past 2-3 months, she has been quite erratic. Yesterday and today, she has gotten up much earlier than usual. It was before 8:00 Sunday and today. When that happens, she gets sleepy and often wants to rest before lunch. Today she made it until after lunch.

Until we were just about finished with our lunch, she wasn’t ready to engage in conversation. I didn’t push her at all at Panera. I always let her take time to fully wake up before saying much. Sometimes she asks me not to talk during the 4-minute drive from our house to Panera. Before leaving for lunch, she is usually wide awake. That wasn’t so today. By the time we finished dessert, she was ready. As we walked out of the restaurant, she said, “You know, I love you more every day.” As I was saying the same to her, she said, “No, I really mean it.”

She still has retained a sense of humor. Yesterday at Panera, she had a problem with her iPad. The cover folds into a stand, but she can’t ever do it herself. Each day when we arrive, she fills her cup at the drink dispenser while I do it for her and open the jigsaw puzzle app. Periodically, she accidentally unfolds the cover. That is what happened yesterday. I saw her struggling with it and asked if I could help her. She said yes. Once I set it up, she said, “You can be irritating at times, but I really need you.”

This morning when I wondered if her slowness might relate to the kind of confusion that led to her anxiety attack the other night, I decided we needed something to give her a boost in the afternoon. I got online and bought tickets to see Won’t You Be My Neighbor? a second time. She is resting now, but I will get her up in another thirty minutes to leave for the movie. When the movie is over, it will be time for dinner. I would be very surprised if we didn’t end the day on a high note.