About thirty minutes ago, I got up from my chair in our bedroom where Kate and I were relaxing. As I started for the kitchen, she motioned me to come over to her. When I reached her, she said, “You know that I always prefer to be with you.” I instantly had a tinge of guilt for leaving her with the sitter this afternoon. I told her I always like to be with her too.” Then I said, “Sometimes I need to go to my Rotary club and to the Y.” She said, “I know you do and you should go. I just want you to know I like being with you.” I told her I appreciated that and reminded her that she had always been that way during our entire marriage. I did a lot of traveling. I never sensed that it bothered her at all. She always let me do what I needed to do in connection with my work responsibilities without making me feel guilty. It’s nice to see that is another way in which she hasn’t changed.