We had a quiet evening after getting to Fort Worth yesterday afternoon. We had dinner at the Italian Village, a long-time favorite of Kate’s parents and of ours as well. We spoke with two of the children of the original owner. They remember Kate’s parents and their friends. It was a nice beginning to our weekend here.
We slept well until 3:15 when Kate got up to go to the bathroom. I am always concerned about this. On several occasions she has gotten up and tried to open the door to the hallway thinking she was going into the bathroom. At least once she had actually walked down the hall before I caught her. These experiences remind me of my father’s telling me that he had tied a string between his arm and my mother’s to prevent such things. I didn’t understand at the time. It is all too clear now.
It is somewhat more complicated at this particular hotel. I usually leave the light on in the bathroom and crack the door open enough to serve as a night light. At this hotel, the light only remains on for a certain amount of time. Then it clicks off automatically. For that reason, Kate struggled to find the bathroom. I told her to walk straight ahead and then open the door on her right. First, she tried to open the door to the adjoining room which is on the left. I repeated that she should turn to the right, but, of course, the door on her right was now the door to the hall. She tried that. I had the security latch on which prevented her getting to the hall. I told her again to look for the door on the right. She got it.
As usual, she was in the bathroom a long time. I began to be concerned that she might be having a problem and asked several times if she needed help. She said she was fine. Finally, she came back to bed. By this time, I was wide awake. I kept thinking about things to do and concerns about Kate and future travels and all sorts of other obligations. About 4:15, I got up and ran in place for about ten minutes. I have found that this helps me to relax once I am back in bed. It worked. I didn’t go back to sleep immediately, but I did get back to sleep. I didn’t wake up until 7:30, a rare event for me.
I got up and dressed. Then I went downstairs to see about breakfast. The hotel offers a continental takeout breakfast. I got two of those and came back to the room. Kate had gotten up. I ate my breakfast. She ate a muffin a drank her orange juice. Then she took a shower and dressed. At this point it was 8:45. She was ready to get out of the hotel room. I suggested we take our iPads and go to Sadie’s Cafe, a breakfast and lunch place that is owned by former neighbors of her parents. We were over there for an hour before coming back to our room where Kate has been resting.
We leave in 15 minutes. I have arranged for Kate to have lunch with four of her childhood friends at the home of one of them. I have repeatedly told Kate about this and the names of the people who will be there. She still couldn’t repeat them if I asked her to; however, these are people she will recognize and with whom she should Be quite comfortable. I am very optimistic about this.
While Kate is having lunch, I am picking up a former professor and taking him to lunch. He was very important in my career. He encouraged me to pursue sociology at a time when I was struggling to figure out what kind of career to pursue. We, too, should have a good time.