Challenges of Caregiving

There is nothing especially new to report, but I have been thinking about the challenges I and other caregivers have that other people might not think of. One of those is getting settled into doing something and then having to make a change. That happens when Kate is tired of doing what she was doing before I am finished with what I was doing. When that happens, I start to get my things together to go out (usually to Panera). That often happens in the morning when I am up and ready before she is. I let her sleep as long as she wants. Sometimes she gets up and dressed without my realizing it. When this happens, she walks into the kitchen (which is my office) and is ready to walk out the door. She gets a little irritated when I have to get my computer packed up as well as getting a cup for her as well as her iPad. I think of this as humorous given that I have usually been waiting quite a while for her to get ready.

Once we get to Panera she only wants to stay for about an hour, sometimes less and occasionally longer. In either case, I get engaged in something on computer. Periodically, I am interrupted by the need to help her recover a puzzle on which she had been working. I am getting used to these interruptions and find that they don’t present a serious problem. It does, however, require shifting back and forth in order to satisfy her need for a change.