Since our return from New York, I have been unusually tired. This is something I have rarely felt before. On several occasions upon waking, I felt as though I would like to remain in bed. I must also say that I have not been sleeping as well since our return. Surely this is part of the reason. I have also wondered if I am not having a general let down after planning and anticipating our two big trips (Switzerland and NYC) that occurred so close together. All along I have looked upon both of them as the last such trips of this nature that we are likely to make. Since returning home, I have done some reflecting on this and am leaving open the possibility of at least one other trip overseas. I still think the likelihood is slim. I am certainly not going to do anything sooner than the next 6-8 months. By that time, Kate’s condition may have deteriorated to the point that it is very clear that we can’t do it. On the other hand, it may be possible to either attempt a cruise in which we don’t do the excursions but simply enjoy life on board and on shore around the port area. Another possibility would be to go to a place like Santa Fe and stay there for a week or so. Right now I am not going to plan anything. I intend to assess how well we get along at Chautauqua. I suspect I will have sufficient doubts about going back in 2016 that I won’t make plans a year in advance.