I sent an email to Jesse and Kevin telling them I would like to talk with them this week at their convenience. I also told them I would like for them not to say anything to Kate. I am sure that will make them wonder what is going on, but that may be a good thing. It should result in their responding more quickly than usual. At any rate, after debating with myself over and over again, I was finally convinced last week that I should let them know about Kate’s AD. In fact, last week I composed an email like the one I sent today and then deleted it before sending. I hadn’t decided against telling them, but I felt the timing last week might have been difficult because I knew she was going with the boys to Alabama where her husband is working for several months.
Tomorrow is a relevant day for Kate and me though I don’t intend to say anything to her. It was 3 years ago tomorrow, January 21, 2011, that we met with Dr. Reasoner to hear the news about her tests for AD. On balance, I think things have gone well during that time. I say that because we are still able to enjoy so many activities together. I fear the next 3 years will not be as good to us. Clearly she has declined since her diagnosis. I also feel she is at a turning point. I only hope I am wrong.